

住在社会文化研究系, 历史支持学生成功, 完成和转让. We strive to cultivate in students historical reasoning skills that facilitate life-long learning and that will help them to become contributing members of a diverse society.


历史是研究我们所生活的社会是如何形成的. 通过沉思 
and analysis of historical materials, historians interpret the past and construct collective memory. The Associate Degree for Transfer in 历史 supplies students with foundational knowledge in United States and World 历史, 以及对历史探究过程的介绍. 该学位提供科罗拉多州立大学要求的四门课程中的两门, Chico主要核心项目, in addition to courses approved as electives in the general history option. With successful completion of the 历史 program, the student will be able to:
1. Identify major developments in the history of the United States and of the world, 并从不同的角度审视过去.
2. Apply historical reasoning to the study of the past and to think in terms of
3. Utilize historical method through posing questions and conducting research, 分析证据, 并阐明可辩护的结论

The courses that comprise the AA-T degree are also for Butte and transfer General Education. 每学年大约有80个课程, 历史 serves a significant number of students and meets an array of important General Education and transfer requirements. 历史 course offerings are complimented by 2 courses listed under the Humanities discipline title.

Currently, there are 2 full-time faculty in 历史, and 13 associate faculty. In Spring 2019, 82% of courses offered in 历史 are taught by associate faculty. 一个促成因素, 虽然小, to this percentage is that one of the full-time 历史 instructors has substantial reassign time for other duties on campus.




数额: 109877.00
用于预定目的: 是的

历史 was authorized to hire a new full-time faculty with a Fall 2019 start date. 该职位的招聘程序目前正在进行中.



Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (Instruction Departments) (Optional)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments) (Optional)





历史在2010年5月完成了最近的项目审查, 与人文和哲学学科相结合. Of the Validation Team's ten Recommendations, eight are applicable to 历史/Humanities. 以下是《十大网赌正规平台》的缩写版本,并附有评论.

  1. 继续并扩大以主题为基础的历史课.  *** 历史's experiment with theme-based classes was short-lived; the effort was abandoned after one semester. This was not due to lack of interest, though, on the part of students and instructors. 而, 在我们当前的系统(日程安排)中存在后勤障碍, 教室空间, 副教授年资). There is hope that the Guided Pathways model under consideration by Butte College might introduce new avenues (and relevance) for theme-based history classes.
  2. Two new full-time history instructors to replace retirement and resignations. *** 仍有待解决.
  3. Evaluate the placement and viability of courses in the Humanities discipline. *** 除了两门人文学科课程外,其他所有课程都被删除了. The two that remain provide content in the history of Western Civilizations -- areas no longer offered in 历史 (due to changes at the CSU) but desired by some students seeking transfer to a UC. 最近几个学期,第十七和第二十二学科的入学率很低, 以及学院以项目为中心的新方法, 意味着需要进一步评估人工智能课程的可行性.
  4. 与MCS交叉列出HIST 18,并重新申请HIST 18以满足U. S. CSU和IGETC的历史要求. *** Cross-listing of courses is now discouraged by the College's Curriculum Committee. 2017年秋季,HIST 18被提交给CSU,以满足美国的需求. S. 历史 requirement; we are awaiting approval.
  5. Complete SLO assessments and Curriculum Review in the Humanities discipline. *** 人文学科的课程是最新的. 人文学科课程定期进行评估, there has not been follow through in terms of reporting of "deep dives" in CurricUNET.
  6. 继续开展公共科学图书馆的评估工作. *** 历史 did not have true PLOs back in 2010, as we didn't have a program (degree). 从那时起,我们使用特定的PLOs实现了历史中的AA-T. 我们的公共科学图书馆与课程学习进度一致, PLO的评估是通过课程层面的评估进行的. A goal for 2018-2019 is to re-conceptualize our deep dive assessment schedule to make it more sustainable and to be more centered on PLOs.
  7. Work with Administration to ensure adequate and appropriate work space for part-time faculty. *** At the time, associate faculty had just lost access to dedicated work space in the LRC building. Since then, several offices in the LRC have been designated as associate faculty offices.
  8. Consider providing stipends for part-time faculty to help with department work*** 在提出本建议时,历史的预算要大得多. 以我们现有的预算,这已经不可行了. 除此之外, an institution-wide policy/fund for stipending associate faculty would be more appropriate and fair.


  1. 支持引导路径, sustain a well-defined outreach program to guide and support students who have declared or who are considering a major in 历史. These efforts will be informed by regular tracking of students who have completed the 历史 program, 以及与奇科州立大学同事的合作.
  2. Identify root causes of 历史's lower than average course success rate and introduce teaching strategies in order to reach the college standard.


策略1 -支持专业


  • Host a department (ANTH, GEOG, HIST, POS) transfer/career event in each Fall semester.
  • Host at least one event each semester meant to better connect 历史 students with their Butte instructors, 奇科州立大学项目, 和/或彼此. 例子包括客座讲座系列, 历史电影之夜, 参加奇科州立大学的活动, 等.
  • 创建Canvas“课程”,以促进与专业的持续联系.


  • Collaborate with Chico State to identify/track progress of Butte students who enter their program.
  • Review transfer data and completer data provided by institutional researchers.

  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 最大限度地利用资源支持学生学习
  • 加强公平包容的文化


最大限度地提高学生的完成和成功, 历史学位课程必须精心管理. 必须让学生意识到学位的存在, 转让后的潜在利益(和限制), 的职业前景, 以及如何最好地完成我们的项目并进入下一个阶段.

Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No


2019年秋季, 该项目的教师将审查和分析学生的成功数据, 包括远程教育和公平数据. 从讨论中, 下一个步骤, strategies and a timeline will be developed for the 2019-2020 academic year.

  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进
  • 加强公平包容的文化


Course success rates in HIST are at the high end of a five-year range (FA 2012 - FA 2016): 64.7, 65, 62.9, 61.5和66.5%. 然而, the course success rate is significantly lower than the overall college standard of 70%, 以及课程成功率72.所有转学/通用电气课程9% (2015-2016).

Addressing Strategies Identified by the Department Learning Outcomes Reports: No



The Butte College General Fund is the sole source of financial support for the 历史 discipline. 年度预算拨款为995美元.
